Friday, November 14, 2008

Mama and baby's day home together

So we were instructed to stay home all day from 8am to 8pm to wait for the dsl man to come hook up our dsl. Normally mama and baby would be itching to get out around 11am. This was not the case yesterday. We had a day of what we, in preschool, would call parallel play. We both played, sometimes with the same things, independently next to each other. I think it might have been the weather that had us both in such mellow moods. It felt like a real Western Washington kind of day which put me in a mood I can't really describe.

Things just slowed down.
seattle like day in houston

I did a little baby hat knitting
homey comforts
(more pictures to be posted as soon as I wrap up the finishing touches)

and Isabella did a little baby one year old home destroying
exploring kitchen drawers

then I started some mama home destroying
thinking room
(I swear those piles are organized)

All in all, we had a good day home together and Im wishing we could spend more days like this. Im loving this little giggly, curious, mama-running-to little girl my baby turned into.

1 comment:

transcendingworks said...

it definitely looks like a seattle day.....if only it was a little darker and wetter ; )